Saturday, April 7, 2012

I'm so confused

So you guys know how I said how I like my crush and everything and I was kinda afraid that he was just a jerk that I was following mean while there's another sweet guy following me which is the one I should be giving all my attention too, yeah well I guess I was kinda right in a way. Now there's this other guy who's actually in a higher grade then I am his a 9th graders I'm a 8th grader not really a big difference & I'm actually suppose to be in the 9th grade but I failed a grade, no biggy I learned from my mistake's. Anyways the guys its actually pretty cute, and always looks & stares at me when he see's me I'm not sure if he likes me, he seems kinda shy, but his supper cute & I guess I'm kinda starting to grow some feelings for him, seriously I've been thinking about him so much lately that I'm going crazy, my friends have notice that someone I always end up talking about him. It kinda weird when you've been liking someone for so long and then someone just comes in the picture you know, I'm also very shy kinda like he is, so its pretty hard for me to make a move, but his just supper cute & I see him catching my eye a lot I seriously can't stop thinking about him :) could it mean I'm giving on everything that I've gone through with a guy I've known for so long and liked for so long, or is it just an attraction ?

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