Friday, December 30, 2011

Is this the story of me & my crush ? 
(Please let its not be)   

You make me smile .

I haven't talk to my crush in a while its hard being in holiday vacation without seeing him. I know what you may be thinking your crush, umm does he even like you ? I think he does I dont really know we kinda have an attraction for each other pretty much. So here the quote for the day . That describe pretty much how even when I'm mad at him he makes me smile, I'm usually like no I'm mad at you and his like really, look into my eyes and I bet I could make you smile and then right there I just laugh, and his laugh I dont know its really funny but I find it cute. Okay, so here the quote for today.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why are you so complicated!

At this point I dont understand him any more his just so complicated, I just don't understand him. Today he didn't even look at me much. The only time he looked at me was in lunch, I'm just so confused and my friend showed me something a conversation about him and her cousin which I didn't used to like and he was being to mean and laughing at everything she was saying and making fun of me. At this point I just think he doesn't deserve me and his very complicated and I'm just so confused about how he acts even though that conversation was a while ago. I don't know if I'm being stupid about this, but I just don't know his so difficult and complicated to understand well lets see how Tuesday goes wish me luckk <3 :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Way Better Than Before ♥ ;]]

Things are taking its form way better than they were before "LOVE IS IN THE AIR" my friends keep saying I'm going to end up with my crush since me and him have so much history. But I just don't wanna get my hopes up for then to be let down and find out that he doesn't like me. Also I'm broken hearted because he may end up in another high school then me, and I'm just devastated what if he just wants me for this year since his going not going to stay so its not going to matter, what if he doesn't end up in the same high school as me .. so many worries that are just driving me nuts. But at least things between us are way better than they were before. Last time I was walking home with him and 2 of my friends witch were guys and I was pretty much the only girl. And this girl came up to me and asked me something, and he was like defending me his like "THATS MY GIRL" "YOU DONT MESS WITH MY GIRL" I was just head over heals <3 I cant believe it his just so cute! Okay, It may seem like I'm obsessing over him a little WHICH I'M TOTALLY NOT! Okay maybe a little but were just so good together. Well at least that what my friends say. So after one of his friends left it was just me, him and my friend that was walking me home. We walked all the way to my building and had a nice funny conversation his just hilarious, well at least to me. Then when we got to the front of my building I decided to walk them at least to the corner. Me and him are just both so good together, there was this puddle of water in-front of us and me and him were trying to push our friend into it put we were just playing around though. Then our other friend was way in the corner and were like a couple inches away from him standing right next to each other. I was like I'm not leaving with out giving you a hug, and it seem like he was too. That was on thursday that was one of the best Thursdays of my life <3 Lolss. Then today we had a school trip and since were in the same school and grade, but not in the same class though. We had a trip today and like the whole time we were there, he was looking at me a stuff so cutee... Okaay maybe I am obsessing ... anyways then when I got home, he got online a couple of minutes later and I was super excited, but I was also really tired, then after that he got offline and I don't know when he got back online or at what time cause I fell as sleep, then woke up and checked my facebook and realized he had send me a message asking me what was my ID for our video chat thing so this is pretty much how the convo. went ...

Him: Whats your _Video Chat_ ID? (6:11PM)
Me: Wait one sec, _Video Chat ID_ (6:19PM)
Him: Add
Me: YAY!

then it was a really nice,sweet,interesting, convo. even though our friends were there we were still acting like we always do when were around each other it was an amazing freaking day I hope he get s on the video chat thing tomorrow also, I could literacy talk to him for hours and not get bored :)
-- THE END  ♥ ;]]

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Confusion Of Lovee ♥

I'm so confused okaay so here's the big story, yesterday I posted - "I need your loving feel, just stay right by my side, just you && I ♥ ;* " as my statues, but after my crush got offline because I didn't want him to see it because of reasons like, it about him, and also because it has to do with this song he send me ones is kinda a long story. So today in school, when his class was coming out of the class room he looked mad but still looked at me in the eyes, so I just figured that he was mad at me so I stopped looking at him, then after my class went in his class was still in the hall way and I looked over there and he looked at me then I looked a second time and his friend notice me and smile and told him something, now I'm all scared also in lunch he was coming because he had lunch detention so he needed to get his lunch, then when he was coming he was next to this girl then he looked at me and went the other way to the direction I was. Also today I got detention, and he had detention also, and I was right next to him, and he looked at me but I didn't look back, and we were walking down the stairs together. And I'm pretty sure his talking about me with his friends some times. I don't know if its true but it kinda seems like it, I'm so confused if he likes me yes or no because we used to be very closed. So close people used to think we were going out, I'm so confused about what we are, sometimes I think were just friends, sometimes I think were less then that, sometimes I just think we have something I don't know at this time ♥.

Friday, October 21, 2011

It’s Complicated.

I don't know what to do any more at this moment, today I guess I kinda ignored my crush but, that doesn't mean he needs to be all mean with me like I didn't do anything, when he class was coming out the classroom I looked at him and shot him a smile, and he started acting shy and looked away. Then last period I saw him and I put my head down as in I was shy not that I wasn't interesting in him. But then in lunch I said hi to me and he just ignored me. Why are we so complicated, then he told my friend he was gonna get on the video chat thing and didn't then when I asked him if he forgot his password he didn't even reply, then minutes later he got offline, then never got back on again. I'm I over reacting, is our "loveee" complicated, or is it my fault for kinda ignoring him! I'm just so confuced </3 ! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

I Just need to give him a chance ♥

Things are going way better between me and and my crush but today we were lined up in the hall way to go into class and he told me wassup and I'm just so shy and everything I didn't say anything back. Then after school he wouldn't even look at me. My friend keeps telling me to stop being so mean and give him a chance but I'm just scared. I dont wanna be heartbroken again. Even though he only broke my heart ones in 6 grade but should I really give him a chance or is everything going to end up bad at the end ? But at the end I actually am realizing that I really do need to give him a chance ♥.  Lets hope things go better tomorrow : /

Friday, October 14, 2011

Is it mean to be ♥

Well me and my crush had a short argument ... Well I think it was an argument
anyways my friend was on my Facebook and she hit him up saying
"hey its me ____"  (even though I told her not 2) so I wrote
"Really ____" and then I put the mad face like this -> -_-
&& he wrote back saying
and I was like
"It was ____ that hit you up even though I told her not 2" I think that sounded kinda mean like what if he has feelings for me and that just made him feel bad ? anyways he wrote back saying
"okaay what ever then" like he was mad at me cuss I told my friend not to hit him up, after a while was that I actually really though about it maybe he likes me and that made him feel bad anyways after that I responded with ....
"Okaay W.e then" and I think that what I said got him so mad that he replied saying
"Okaay so stop talking then"
and then my friend wrote
"Yoo what the hell you mahh mean" and then I got mad  and wrote
"Don't f**king start with me aight" Which sounded kinda mean at the end cuss he didn't reply and it also sounded "GETTO"

But then the day after that, he was trying to catch my eyes, he actually went into my class to supposedly get a book, and I didn't even notice when he walked in but when he was leaving I did notice and me and him have kinda this eye to eye thing yeah its pretty cute anyways the point is he was catching my eye, but I looked away right away and kinda rolled my eyes at him, and then when I looked back to see if he had already left, but NO! he stayed there for an answer to why I did that and he did a motion like "WHAT DID I DO!" and I was just like tell you later cuss I couldn't get out get out of the class room to talk to him so he just went back to class. Then after that when we were leaving he was right next to me and he made a funny motion like a girl with attitude, Then the day after that he was looking all over for me. In lunch he was catching my eye when he was lining up to go to class. And in line. EVERY WHERE! Now it looks like his trying to get my attention ...
BUT ... is it meant to be? my friend told me today that his does attitude to me sometimes but if she see's how it is when its just me and him his so sweet and down to earth and the real him! Also, people keep telling me that we make a cute couple and some think his my boyfriend ! But the thing is are we meant to be together, is it love? I don't know I just don't know at this point!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Defining The Relation Ship

In my school I'm not pretty much as I could say invisible but everyone thinks they could just put me down and get away with it. This new year of 8th grade is going to be another worst year of my life. There are many many reasons for that. For example, I'm not in a class with my crush so I cant really DTR "Define The Relation Ship" between us is going to be difficult when were not in the same class, and I wont be able to talk to him. I'm not even in a class with my friends I'm with some hoe ass bitches that I don't even like put there all pussy shit so I could pretty much take them! Its still pretty annoying hows everything changing and not being able to do anything about. Me and my crush don't even talk any more my friends say there's something going on in between us two but how am I suppose to find out if were not even in the same class together. But should I even DTR I mean people always tell me his such a jerk, but that time I've gotten to spend with him it shows the sweet down to earth real guy he is, so I'm pretty much in between two walls. The wall of what other people think and the wall to what my heart thinks I just don't want to be that Invisible girl any more I wanna be, be, me!