Friday, October 21, 2011

It’s Complicated.

I don't know what to do any more at this moment, today I guess I kinda ignored my crush but, that doesn't mean he needs to be all mean with me like I didn't do anything, when he class was coming out the classroom I looked at him and shot him a smile, and he started acting shy and looked away. Then last period I saw him and I put my head down as in I was shy not that I wasn't interesting in him. But then in lunch I said hi to me and he just ignored me. Why are we so complicated, then he told my friend he was gonna get on the video chat thing and didn't then when I asked him if he forgot his password he didn't even reply, then minutes later he got offline, then never got back on again. I'm I over reacting, is our "loveee" complicated, or is it my fault for kinda ignoring him! I'm just so confuced </3 ! 

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