Sunday, October 9, 2011

Defining The Relation Ship

In my school I'm not pretty much as I could say invisible but everyone thinks they could just put me down and get away with it. This new year of 8th grade is going to be another worst year of my life. There are many many reasons for that. For example, I'm not in a class with my crush so I cant really DTR "Define The Relation Ship" between us is going to be difficult when were not in the same class, and I wont be able to talk to him. I'm not even in a class with my friends I'm with some hoe ass bitches that I don't even like put there all pussy shit so I could pretty much take them! Its still pretty annoying hows everything changing and not being able to do anything about. Me and my crush don't even talk any more my friends say there's something going on in between us two but how am I suppose to find out if were not even in the same class together. But should I even DTR I mean people always tell me his such a jerk, but that time I've gotten to spend with him it shows the sweet down to earth real guy he is, so I'm pretty much in between two walls. The wall of what other people think and the wall to what my heart thinks I just don't want to be that Invisible girl any more I wanna be, be, me!

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