Monday, October 17, 2011

I Just need to give him a chance ♥

Things are going way better between me and and my crush but today we were lined up in the hall way to go into class and he told me wassup and I'm just so shy and everything I didn't say anything back. Then after school he wouldn't even look at me. My friend keeps telling me to stop being so mean and give him a chance but I'm just scared. I dont wanna be heartbroken again. Even though he only broke my heart ones in 6 grade but should I really give him a chance or is everything going to end up bad at the end ? But at the end I actually am realizing that I really do need to give him a chance ♥.  Lets hope things go better tomorrow : /

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely give him a chance see how its goes, but if he breaks your heart he wasn't worth it in the fist place .
