Friday, October 14, 2011

Is it mean to be ♥

Well me and my crush had a short argument ... Well I think it was an argument
anyways my friend was on my Facebook and she hit him up saying
"hey its me ____"  (even though I told her not 2) so I wrote
"Really ____" and then I put the mad face like this -> -_-
&& he wrote back saying
and I was like
"It was ____ that hit you up even though I told her not 2" I think that sounded kinda mean like what if he has feelings for me and that just made him feel bad ? anyways he wrote back saying
"okaay what ever then" like he was mad at me cuss I told my friend not to hit him up, after a while was that I actually really though about it maybe he likes me and that made him feel bad anyways after that I responded with ....
"Okaay W.e then" and I think that what I said got him so mad that he replied saying
"Okaay so stop talking then"
and then my friend wrote
"Yoo what the hell you mahh mean" and then I got mad  and wrote
"Don't f**king start with me aight" Which sounded kinda mean at the end cuss he didn't reply and it also sounded "GETTO"

But then the day after that, he was trying to catch my eyes, he actually went into my class to supposedly get a book, and I didn't even notice when he walked in but when he was leaving I did notice and me and him have kinda this eye to eye thing yeah its pretty cute anyways the point is he was catching my eye, but I looked away right away and kinda rolled my eyes at him, and then when I looked back to see if he had already left, but NO! he stayed there for an answer to why I did that and he did a motion like "WHAT DID I DO!" and I was just like tell you later cuss I couldn't get out get out of the class room to talk to him so he just went back to class. Then after that when we were leaving he was right next to me and he made a funny motion like a girl with attitude, Then the day after that he was looking all over for me. In lunch he was catching my eye when he was lining up to go to class. And in line. EVERY WHERE! Now it looks like his trying to get my attention ...
BUT ... is it meant to be? my friend told me today that his does attitude to me sometimes but if she see's how it is when its just me and him his so sweet and down to earth and the real him! Also, people keep telling me that we make a cute couple and some think his my boyfriend ! But the thing is are we meant to be together, is it love? I don't know I just don't know at this point!

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